If you’ve tried to secure permanent optometrist jobs in the past, you may feel you know what to expect
If you’ve tried to secure permanent optometrist jobs in the past, you may feel you know what to expect. After all, the phrase “recruitment agencies” often conjures up a particular mental image.
You may, for example, find yourself visualising a mechanical, copy-and-paste environment, heavily focused on quantity, and perhaps not averse to the odd bit of spin.
Team Locum is proud to introduce a tailored, permanent recruitment solution developed specifically for optometrists, and coming to you courtesy of long-time permanent recruitment specialists.
Team Locum has of course been supplying temporary cover to the cream of the UK’s optical business for some years now. The agency is over a decade and a half old, and is run by highly qualified healthcare professionals with decades of experience.
The company has been built on the kind of standards healthcare itself is expected to uphold. Integrity, conscientiousness, attention to detail… Those values have mapped out the parameters for a new type of permanent recruitment.

Talk to Team Locum, and you won’t hear the usual market clichés. You’ll hear words like “transparency”, “quality”, and “sustainability”.
The Recruitment Team are listeners, thinkers, avid researchers; and one of the first things you notice about their conversations with candidates and clients is that no two are the same.
Each candidate, each client, has individual goals and needs. Team Locum set that right at the very epicentre of their methodology.
The quest for client satisfaction one would expect at the very highest end of recruitment is immediately evident with Team Locum.
But client satisfaction is of course inseparable from employee satisfaction.
Only by matching optical businesses with optometrists who will enjoy and be passionate about the precise role on offer, can Team Locum continue the success and growth they’ve maintained through the years in the locum world.
Do Optometrists really need agencies to secure permanent optometry jobs?

That’s a good question – and one that does not have a universal answer. It depends, first and foremost, on the type of agency.
Healthcare is a very specialised field, and agencies without specialist market knowledge are unlikely to understand the minutiae of the match between a candidate and an optical establishment.
Neither, it’s fair to say, are they going to have the contact-base to consistently meet specific and exact need. With optometrists in high demand, isn’t a permanent recruitment agency a little superfluous from the employee’s side?
Well, one of the areas in which a specialist agency differs from a regular permanent recruitment solution is in its huge range of relevant contacts.
This is something an individual optometrist is unlikely to have, and it’s immensely important because it opens up the potential for a much better employment match.
As a well-established, specialist healthcare agency, Team Locum has developed existing relationships with a broad base of optical businesses.
From select independents, through small multiples, to the major chains, Team Locum is already working with the UK’s best.
Equally, Team Locum has a thorough, proven and trusted understanding of the optical industry, which enables us to sensitively match the right optometrists with the right businesses.
Simply, coupled with Team Locum’s high end, need-sensitive approach to permanent recruitment, the business’s raft of existing relationships opens up an optometrist’s horizons.
We’re inviting optometrists who are specifically interested in securing the perfect permanent optometrist jobs, to call us for an informal discussion.
Our Consultants are very easy to talk to, they’re committed to confidentiality, and their goal is not to push or sell, but to listen, and then set about meeting all expressed requirements…
Should Opticians us agencies to secure permanent optometrist jobs?
Given the high demand for optometrists at the present time, the above question will probably be a no-brainer for a lot of optical businesses.
Some opticians, we envisage, may already be screaming the word “YES!” at the computer screen. And of course, clients who’ve already given Team Locum their seal of approval in the realm of super-convenient temporary cover will doubtless be nodding their heads with considerable enthusiasm too.
But for those who are not convinced, perhaps the best way to answer the above question is to give us a call. We be delighted to talk through your permanent requirements, as informally as you wish…
How permanent is permanent?
Permanent recruitment is only as permanent as the quality of the match permits. Which means, of course, that poor quality permanent recruitment isn’t really permanent recruitment at all.
Any agency can place an advert, cross their fingers and hope for the best. But it takes specialists, trusted and respected in their field, to bring together a great employee and a great business, time after time.
Only by comprehensively understanding, and having the means to facilitate precise individual needs, can a recruitment agency deliver a genuinely permanent solution.
So if (as an optometrist) you’ve found yourself vacating positions, or (as a business) losing optometrists, maybe the match, just hasn’t been up to scratch