People often wonder why healthcare professionals take up locum work– and it’s a good question.
Be it as a locum optometrist or a locum pharmacist, locuming (or is it locumming, I’ll stick with the one m) can involve a significant amount of travel, and whilst that’s a plus point for some, others instinctively see it as an inconvenience. But is the decision to locum or not to locum purely founded on a liking for, or an objection to, travel? Well, there are actually a lot more reasons behind the decision to locum than there may appear at first glance.
If you’re one of the many locums who would absolutely not consider going back to static employment, you may even be able to think of a few yourself!
Choice is a big factor for our locums, choice is one of the most valuable attributes of locum work. It should be stressed that the level of demand and competition in the locum’s area of operation can have a major impact on choice, and it’s wise to check what the demand is before diving into locum work.
If you’re intending to work as a locum pharmacist or locum optometrist in the UK, you can find out more by giving us a call or dropping us an email at [email protected]

Optometry Locum Work
Whether you are a locum optometrist, dispensing optician or optical assistant. I am sure you experienced the absolute torrid time the industry went through as a whole.
The pandemic was tough, the work was understandably (with everything shut) not there. If it was there it wasn’t exactly ideal.
But has the trend started to buck?
Has the world started to right itself, well… not completely, but the work is back pretty much across the UK. The rates are back to pre covid times, sometimes more depending on the area.
This goes for both optometry locum work and permanent optometrist jobs, so whether its part time, full time or ad hoc work you are after. It is out there!
The demand for locums is high and its free to sign up and enquire, we have a new team of registrars that will make the process as easy and smooth as possible.
If you should have more questions, we are always happy to answer them. Contact Kyrie at [email protected], or give him a call on 0121 451 2707.

Pharmacy Locum Work
Lockdown needed pharmacies, and this has caused such a difficult task for both locum pharmacists and employed pharmacists. Being the only point of call for many people can’t have been easy and we are just in awe and extremely grateful to all the locum pharmacists hard work.
Now if you are thinking about getting into locum work, here are some areas that might be of interest to you, but of course because of the pandemic, pretty much all areas are in demand but here are just a few.
There are a lot of in demand areas for locum pharmacists right now, starting in the South of England, there’s a very wide range of locations in which locuming as a pharmacist is highly viable.
Across the South Coast, (this is starting to sound like a weather report) in places such as Brighton, Southampton or Hastings, for example, locum pharmacists are liable to find themselves very much in demand. In the central South, that high demand extends up to the likes of Andover or Basingstoke.
Indeed, shifting across to each flank of the South of England, the potential for a packed timetable remains extremely healthy. In the South East, a location in Kent, such as Canterbury, would prove a great base. And that super-viable locum work ground reaches right up the East Coast into Norfolk, Lincolnshire and East Yorkshire.
If you’re a locum pharmacist in any of these areas, or the many other locations that were far too numerous to list, and you’re interested in looking further into the realm of locum work, Team Locum can give you advice specific to your particular location and situation. You can get in touch via the contact details below.

How do I start locum work?
Team Locum specialises in locum pharmacy work, locum optometry work and nursing and care, so as both an optometry locum agency and a pharmacy locum agency with many more divisions, feel free to get in touch, or keep an eye on the Blog Homepage and the Website Homepage for the latest news.