An introduction on applying for roles from a healthcare recruitment agency
When applying for a role the first thing they see is your email and name this may sound obvious but a professional email address is important. Take it from someone that didn’t change their email address since they were 10, the email “[email protected]” is not going to do you any favours.
Its also good to create an email specifically for work and the application processes, just so you don’t miss anything under all the advertising and spam we get daily.
To know what to add to your application, you are going to want to look into the company and read over the job spec, this is so that you don’t miss anything out and have all the right “buzzwords” and everything is filled out as it should be.
A good way to make your application stand out are the keywords mentioned above, read the job spec and look for words that relate to the skills necessary or the kind of person they are looking for and use them sparingly in your application.
You also want to sell yourself, the keywords are a good way to do this but you also want to talk about things you have done, things that you could bring to the job that others couldn’t. This can be done through your use of language, words like “transformed” and “renewed” can help demonstrate your impact and goals.
Writing a cover letter is a subject being spoken about a lot lately, some people like them and some people don’t. With a lot of job applications essentially ask for most of the information that you would put in the cover letter, but sometimes companies do ask for them!
What to do if you aren’t as experienced? Thankfully as most industries are now a candidate led market and most hiring managers now keep an open mind. It is more about hiring the right person with the right mentality.
The question you have to ask is “am I capable of doing this job” and if the answer is yes then you need to convey that to the hiring manager, be that in your application or when following up.

Remember, when curating your CV and cover letter to focus on the things you can do within the position. It’s all about showing your relevance beyond experience.
If you want to stick to finding jobs that require no experience, there are the obvious ways like trawling through job boards and sites like indeed, but the benefits of using an agency like Team Locum is that we can do the research for you and cherry pick the jobs that suit your preferences.
Get in touch with our healthcare recruitment agency
If you do have any questions for the team you can give us a call on 0121 451 2707 or email [email protected] or [email protected]