Sick of missing out: Guarantee results by updating your availability

The “My Schedule” page is where you’ll manage your availability, view your upcoming shifts, and stay organized.

Our guide will provide you with detailed instructions on how to update your availability, set preferences for the types of shifts you’re seeking, and seamlessly integrate your locum schedule with your personal life.

To navigate to your schedule page, on the left hand side of your dashboard, hover over the bookings icon and click “my schedule”.

My Schedule

Your schedule page will sync up to your personal calendar and will show the shifts you have applied for as accepted or pending.

If they are accepted they will be in green, and if they are pending they will show up as orange. From this page, whether they are accepted or pending, you will be able to drill into the shift and see more information.

My Schedule

If you are looking to update your availability, click the dropdown menu on each date and it will give you the option to say if you are available AM, PM or all day and whether you want it to be just that day, all of those days (e.g. all Sundays) or that entire month.

My Schedule

In conclusion, the use of the “My Schedule” page and updating your availability on our website is a powerful tool that can significantly enhance your productivity and efficiency. Throughout this guide, we have explored the various features and functions available, hopefully providing you with a comprehensive understanding of how to make the most of this valuable resource.

To view the other guides, click here

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