Talking Permanent recruitment with our new manager Kimberley Bash

Getting her start in locum pharmacy recruitment, Kim gained great experience looking after the South West of England. 

Starting with Team Locum at 21 years old, she was new to recruitment but managed to learn the ropes and gaining great traction within the business very quickly. Forging great relationships with locums and clients alike along the way!

She moved on from the business to be closer to family, working a variety of recruitment roles along the way, learning valuable skills along the way.

After a while though, she felt it was time to come back to Team Locum, bringing new experience and a hunger to take the permanent division to the next level.

A few words from Kim!

“I moved from Wolverhampton and a Trainee Recruitment Consultant position popped up which I liked the sound of. I interviewed, got the job, and here I am 9 years later! (after a brief hiatus)”

What initially piqued my interest was the fast paced nature of the temp side, everyday was fresh and exciting dealing with 100’s of bookings per day and subsequently speaking with 100’s of clients and locums.

The exciting nature of the role, coupled with the support I was receiving from management is definitely what kept me in the role.

With the tips and tricks from managers on how to streamline and improve what I was doing both in the job and in recruitment itself was something which helped me massively.

Pharmacy was definitely the division which I learned the most, but I have also learned a lot over the years about Optometry and healthcare in general”

What can Kim do for you?

Now that Kim has successfully transitioned into the permanent division, leading a team of three to a successful quarter the question is… What can she do for you?

We are currently working with clients throughout the healthcare sector. 

Team Locum are best known for their work in pharmacy and optometry recruitment, this is still very much our staple, our clients relying on our wealth of knowledge and mass of contacts within the industry. 

However, because of the success we have had in these industries, Kim has been able to diversify into other healthcare sectors, finding great success working alongside nurses and care workers.

Helping supply hospitals, care homes and more with dedicated professionals so they can continue doing their important work.

We pride ourselves on our personable service and commitment for finding a perfect match for both candidate and client.

Our team of three include someone dedicated to business development, helping companies with everything and anything they need as well as an administrator, giving Kim the time to find the best match for you!

Get in touch!

Want to contact Kim?

Such is the modern works there are a variety of ways to get in touch, click below to talk today!

0121 451 2707
[email protected]

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