Client Terms and Conditions of Business
Clicking accept is an agreement to these terms
The following definitions apply in the Terms and Conditions of Business
1. ‘The Company’ means Team Locum Limited
2. ‘The Client’ means the person, firm or organisation to whom services are provided by the Company.
3. ‘The Assignment’ means the period during which the Locum is supplied to render services to the Client
4. ‘Engages/Engaged/Engagement’ means the engagement or use of the Locum directly by the Client or any third party or through any other employment
business on a permanent or temporary basis, whether under a contract of service or for services; an agency, license, franchise or partnership arrangement;
or any other engagement; directly or through a limited company of which the Locum is registered.
5. ‘The Locum’ means the individual who is introduced by Team Locum to render services to the Client
6. ‘Transfer Fee’ means the fee payable in accordance with clause 2.3 below and Regulation 10 of the Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment
Businesses Regulations 2003.
7. ‘Introduction Fee’ means the fee payable in accordance with clause 2.4 below and Regulation 10 of the Conduct of Employment Agencies and
Employment Businesses Regulations 2003.
References to the singular include the plural and vice versa and reference to the masculine include the feminine and vice versa.
Terms and Conditions
1.1 These Terms constitute a contract between Team Locum and the Client for the supply of Locum Services by Team Locum to the Client and are
deemed to be accepted by the Client by virtue of its request for, interview with or Engagement of the Locum or the passing of any information about
the Locum to any third party following an Introduction.
1.2 These Terms contain the entire agreement between the parties and unless otherwise agreed in writing by a Director of Team Locum these Terms
prevail over any Terms of Business or purchase conditions put forward by the Client.
1.3 No variation or alteration to these Terms shall be valid unless the details of such variation are agreed between Team Locum and the Client and are
set out in writing and a copy of the varied Terms is given to the Client stating the date on or after which such varied terms shall apply.
1.4 Team Locum Limited operates as an Employment Agency.
2.1 The Client agrees to pay the Company the Locum Placement Charges based on the following rates:
Per day, per placement: £20.00 plus VAT (where applicable)
Where an Assignment is confirmed as being covered with a Locum’s name given to the Client by the Company, the Locum Placement Charge will be
due and payable irrelevant of later cancellation by the Client. Please note that this does not preclude the Locum from pursuing his own claim for loss
of earnings if he is unable to obtain a suitable alternative Assignment for the date or period of the cancelled Assignment.
2.2 Payment of Company fees must be received by the Company no later than 28 days from the date of invoice. Failure to pay by this date will incur
interest charges and appropriate fees as defined by the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 & the EU Directive 2000/35/EC.
2.3 In the event of the Engagement by the Client of a Locum supplied by Team Locum for an Assignment either (1) directly or (2) pursuant to being
supplied by another employment business, within either
• The duration of the Assignment;
• 14 weeks from the start of the first Assignment (each new assignment where there has been a break of more than 42 days (6 weeks) since the
end of a previous Assignment shall also be considered to be the ‘first Assignment’ for these purposes); or
• 8 weeks from the day after the last day the Locum worked on the Assignment.
The Client shall be liable, to either:
a. Subject to electing upon giving 14 days notice, an extended period of hire of the Locum being 14 weeks during which the client shall pay the
daily booking placement charge, or
b. A Transfer Fee calculated as follows: 7.5 % of the Remuneration applicable during the first 6 months of Engagement.
No refund of the Transfer Fee will be paid in the event that the Engagement subsequently terminates. VAT is payable in addition to any fee due.
However, where the Client does not give such notice before the Locum is Engaged the parties agree that the Transfer Fee shall be due.
2.4 In the event that there is an Introduction of a Locum to the Client which does not result in the supply of that Locum, but which leads to an
Engagement of the Locum by the Client either directly or pursuant to being supplied by another employment business within 6 months from the date
of Introduction the Client shall be liable, to either:
a. Subject to electing upon giving 14 days notice, a period of hire of the Locum being 26 weeks during which the Client shall pay the placement
fees agreed pursuant to clause 2.1 above for each day the Locum is supplied: or
b. An Introduction Fee calculated as follows: 7.5% of the Remuneration application during the first 12 months of the Engagement. No
refund of the Introduction fee will be paid in the event that the Engagement subsequently terminates. VAT is payable in addition to any fee due.
However, where the Client does not give such notice before the Locum is Engaged the parties agree that the Introduction Fee shall be due.
2.5 In the event that the Engagement of the Locum is for a fixed term of less than 12 months, the fee in clause 2.3 or 2.4 is calculated as a percentage of
the Remuneration, will apply pro-rata. If the Engagement is extended beyond the initial fixed term or if the client re-engages the Locum within 3
months of the termination of the first Engagement the Client shall be liable to pay a further fee based on the additional Remuneration applicable for
the period of Engagement or the first anniversary of its commencement, whichever is sooner.
2.6 If the Client elects for an extended period of hire, as set out above, but before the end of such period Engages the Locum supplied by Team Locum
either directly or pursuant to being supplied by another employment business or the Locum chooses not to be supplied for an extended period of hire
the Introduction Fee calculated in accordance 2.4 may be charged, reduced by such percentage to reflect the period of extended hire already
undertaken by the locum and paid for by the Client.
2.7 In the event that a Locum supplied to a Client is introduced by the Client to a third party which results in the Engagement of the Locum by the third
party within either
• The duration of the Assignment;
• 14 weeks from the start of the Assignment (each new assignment where there has been a break of more than 42 days (6 weeks) since the end
of the previous Assignment shall also be considered to be ‘First Assignment’ for these purposes); or
• 8 weeks from the day after the last day the Locum worked on, the client shall be liable to pay a Transfer Fee calculated as follows:
7.5 % of the Remuneration applicable during the first 6 months of the Engagement. No refund of the Transfer Fee will be paid in the event
that the Engagement subsequently terminates.
VAT is payable in addition to any fee due.
2.8 In the event that there is an Introduction of a Locum to the Client which does not result in the supply of that Locum by Team Locum to the Client, but
the Locum is introduced by the Client to a third party which results in the Engagement of the Locum by the third party within 6 months from the
date of Introduction the client shall be liable to an Introduction Fee calculated as follows: 7.5% of the Remuneration applicable during the first 12
months of the Engagement.
No refund of the Introduction Fee will be paid in the event that the Engagement subsequently terminates. VAT is payable in addition to the fee due.
2.9 If a Locum booked through Team Locum needs to be cancelled, an appropriate amount of notice needs to be given, bookings cancelled within 7
days will incur the charge of agreed booking fee
3.1 When making an Introduction of a Locum to the Client Team Locum shall inform the Client of the identity of the Locum; that the Locum has the
necessary or required experience, training, qualifications and any authorisation required by law or a professional body to work in the Assignment and
that the Locum is willing to work in the Assignment.
3.2 Where such information is not given in paper form or by electronic means it shall be confirmed by such means by the end of the third business day
(excluding Saturday, Sunday and any Public or Bank Holiday) following, save where the Locum is being Introduced for an Assignment in the same
position as one in which the Locum had previously been supplied within the previous five business days and such information has already been given
to the client, unless the client requests that the information be resubmitted.
4.1 The Client is responsible for payment directly to the Locum of all Locum remuneration and expenses as defined in the attached Pay Rate notification
4.2 The contract of hire is between the Client and the Locum. Remuneration is payable to the Locum upon completion of the Assignment daily, weekly,
or immediately upon termination of the contracted period. It is the responsibility of the client and locum to ensure that all taxes and statutory
payments are paid as required to meet existing regulations.
4.3 The Company shall not be liable for any payment connected with locum remuneration and expenses.
5.1 Whilst every effort is made by Team Locum to give satisfaction to the Client by ensuring reasonable standards of skills, integrity and reliability from
Locums and further to provide them in accordance with the Client’s booking details, Team Locum is not liable for any loss, expense, damage or delay
arising from any failure to provide locums for all or part of the period of booking or from the negligence, dishonesty, misconduct or lack of skill of the
5.2 Locums supplied by Team Locum are not employees of Team Locum but are deemed to be under supervision, direction and control of the Client
from the time they report to take up duties and for the duration of the Assignment. The Client agrees to be responsible for all acts, errors, or
omissions of the Locum, whether wilful, negligent or otherwise as though the Locum was on the payroll of the Client. The Client will also comply in all
respects with all statutes including, for avoidance of doubt the Working Time Regulations, Health and Safety at Work Act, etc, bye-laws, codes of
practice and legal requirements to which the Client is ordinarily subject in respect of the Client’s own staff, including in particular the provision of
adequate Employers and Public Liability Insurance cover for the Locum during all Assignments.
5.3 The client shall advise Team Locum of any special health and safety matters about which Team Locum is required to inform the Locum and about
any requirements imposed by law or by any professional body which must be satisfied if the Locum is to fill the Assignment. The Client will provide all
suitable protective clothing and safety equipment where appropriate. Where the Client requires or may require the services of a Locum for more than
48 hours in any week, the Client must notify Team Locum of this requirement before the commencement of that week.
5.4 The Client undertakes that it knows no reason why it would be detrimental to the interests of the Locum for the Locum to fill the Assignment.
5.5 The Client shall indemnify and keep indemnified Team Locum against any costs, claims or liabilities incurred by Team Locum arising out of any
Assignment or arising out of any non-compliance with clauses 5.2 and 5.3 and/or as a result of any breach of these Terms by the Client
5.6 In meeting the needs of the Client, Team Locum will adopt equal opportunity practices for its locums irrespective of their sex, age, mental status,
ethnic origin, religious beliefs, physical ability or sexual orientation.
6.1 The Client undertakes to supervise the Locum sufficiently to ensure the Client’s satisfaction with the Locum’s standard of workmanship. If the Client
reasonably considers that the services of the Locum are unsatisfactory, the Client may terminate the Assignment either by instructing the Locum to
leave the Assignment immediately, or by directing Team Locum to remove the Locum. Team Locum may, in such circumstances, reduce or cancel
the charges for the time worked by the locum provided that the Assignment terminates:-
a. within four hours of the Locum commencing the Assignment where the booking is for more than seven hours; or
b. within two hours of bookings of seven hours of less;
and also provided that notification of the unsuitability of the Locum is confirmed in writing to Team Locum within 48 hours of the termination of the
6.2 The Client shall notify Team Locum immediately and without delay and in any event within 24 hours if the Locum fails to attend work or notifies the
Client that the Locum is unable to attend work for any reason.
6.3 Team Locum shall notify the client immediately if it receives or otherwise obtains information which gives it reasonable grounds to believe that a
Locum supplied to the Client is unsuitable for the Assignment and shall terminate the Assignment
7.1 The acceptance of the services of any person introduced to the Client by Team Locum shall be deemed to be acceptance by the Client of the
Standard Terms and Conditions and Tariff of Team Locum then in force.
7.2 These Terms are governed by the law of England & Wales and are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England & Wales, Scotland
and Northern Ireland.
1st Floor, 3 Regal Court, Sovereign Road, Kings Norton Business Centre, Birmingham B30 3FJ
Tel: 0121 451 2707 Fax: 0121 459 8044 Email: [email protected]
Registered in England No: 4197527
VAT registration No: 807 0822 46